
“CODI Agency’s creative approach, support and dedication has been of monumental support to innisfree, playing a big part in achieving a successful brand launch in Australia. We’ve developed a great partnership with their very talented team and we look forward to our continued relationship across digital channels.”



You might be under the impression that social media is the top way to reach your brand’s customers. While setting up great campaigns for Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and LinkedIn will undoubtedly deliver awesome results, the most effective method brands have to reach their target market is email marketing. While this could be a surprise, you won’t catch many digital marketers unaware. In fact, the average email marketing campaign returns $38 for every $1 spent. At CODI, we specialise in designing and implementing outstanding electronic direct mail (EDM) campaigns that will attract your customers and increase conversions.

Part of the reason that EDM writing is so successful is that email’s reach is simply enormous. While Facebook has the largest social media network with an estimated 2.8 billion users, there are approximately 4 billion people using email today. While you might not be attempting to reach all of these people, there’s no doubt that essentially everyone in your customer base checks their emails regularly while their activity on social media can come and go depending on the day. In fact, research has found that 99% of email users check their inbox every day, with some people refreshing their inbox up to 20 times.

If you’ve run extensive social media campaigns, you know how challenging it is to compete for space and attention in your customers’ feeds. Without the right imagery or captions, you might find that customers are quick to scroll past without engaging at all. However, the beauty of email marketing is that your target market is far more likely to receive your message, featuring more than three times the click-through rate of social media posts. Ready to boss email? Get in touch with the expert team at CODI to discover how we can implement a striking email marketing campaign that achieves your business objectives.

select clients

“The CODI team always go above and beyond the call of duty to deliver exceptional results. I have benefitted enormously from their strong creative skills, widespread relationships and marketing expertise. I am so grateful to have the ability to work with them.”



Although there are many reasons for the incredible longevity of email marketing, personalisation is a big factor that simply can’t be ignored. As technology has improved and digital marketers have learned how to draw remarkable insights from a host of different customer metrics, email makes it possible to communicate with your audience at the most critical moment. Using other marketing methods to encourage your fans to sign up to your email list, you can segment this captured audience into increasingly precise groups. With the help of an expert team like CODI, we can use these different customer segments to suit a range of profitable advertising outcomes.

When you send out a new post on social media, you’re essentially trying to communicate with your entire audience at the same time. While your post will capture some attention, you’re also going to be talking to many people who aren’t interested in your message at that exact moment. With email marketing, you can address individual customers by their name and send tailored messages to the ideal group in your audience. In fact, research into this powerful approach has discovered that using segmented email marketing campaigns can deliver a 760% revenue increase.

Ensure your brand is making the most of email by partnering with a highly experienced EDM writing agency that understands your needs. CODI’s talented team can delve into the inner workings of your business to tailor our campaigns to your target market’s specific demographics, while our expert EDM writing services will ensure we convey the perfect message to increase your chances of securing a sale.


With email being the number one way that consumers like to receive marketing material from brands, you need to ensure your message hits the mark if you’re going to achieve your business goals. This is why you need an EDM writing team by your side that has a proven track record of delivering excellent results from their campaigns. From the subject line to the call-to-action, CODI offers a comprehensive email marketing solution as our writers craft carefully considered content that inspires your customers to click through to your website.

While you might think that EDM writing is as simple as including a few links to your products and services, there’s a whole lot of thought that goes into nurturing leads. As you compete for attention inside your customers’ inbox, you want to make sure that your brand benefits from clickable copy that convinces consumers to check out what you have to say. By using a friendly ‘from’ name that’s instantly recognisable, alongside a short and sharp subject line, it won’t take long to see your open rate go through the roof. In fact, personalisation is shown to improve click-through rates by 14% and conversions by 10%, so avoid skipping this step.

With the perfect marketing campaigns working seamlessly across email, social media, influencer marketing, display advertising and more, your EDM writing must align with the rest of your brand voice. That’s why CODI’s expert EDM writing services ensure that your content slots effortlessly into your overall approach to digital marketing. This way, you won’t confuse your customers by using a tone of voice that shifts from one medium to the next.

Finally, there’s nothing worse than your email marketing campaign getting caught up in the spam filter. As most people aren’t going to check this section of their email, and might even consider what’s inside to be malicious, you want to do everything within your power to avoid ending up here. Fortunately, CODI’s detailed understanding of email marketing means we know what it takes to ensure your messages land in your customers’ inbox without any issues.


What Is Email Marketing?

Email marketing is a hugely beneficial digital marketing strategy that sees businesses contact their customer base by sending targeted emails. By promoting your products and hopefully inspiring your customers to click through your email to make a purchase, email marketing has proved to be remarkably effective for every kind of business. Let CODI take charge of your email marketing and see how much success we can generate for your business.

How Will An Email Marketing Campaign Increase Conversions?

There are numerous reasons why email marketing is considered one of the top digital marketing strategies, but it’s especially productive because literally billions of people around the world check their email every day. While some of your customers might not be very active on social media, a big percentage of your target market will frequently check their email. If you manage to send the right message at the right time, you have a great chance of encouraging them to purchase.

Is Email Marketing Good For Small Businesses?

With email marketing delivering an unmatched return on investment of $38 for every $1 spent, this incredible statistic ensures that it’s the ideal digital marketing strategy for small businesses that don’t have lots of spare cash to waste. However, you want to make sure that your business’ campaign is reaching peak performance by partnering with a talented digital marketing agency like CODI. We can target the perfect segment of your customer base with a message that inspires them to take action.

Where Can I Find Great EDM Writing Services?

It would be a huge mistake to underestimate the importance of commercial product videography to your brand’s ongoing success. In fact, 97% of marketers believe video content has helped customers learn more about their products and services. By giving your customers sharp insight into the features of your products, they will feel more confident about their purchase. CODI’s high-end videography services can ensure your products have never looked so good.


Smashing out a quick email and clicking send isn’t going to deliver the results you need from your email marketing campaign. Instead, choose to partner with the highly experienced digital marketing team at CODI and we’ll craft a nuanced strategy that combines data-driven analytics with razor-sharp audience segmentation and outstanding copywriting. This way, we can generate a deeply personalised email marketing campaign that makes contact with the right target demographic at the ideal time. With high-end EDM writing services worth their weight in gold, let CODI take charge of your strategy to ensure your business receives unbeatable results for its investment.

With CODI having led powerful email marketing campaigns for a range of Australia’s top fashion, beauty and lifestyle brands, we know exactly what customers want to see and read when they’re scrolling through social media or the wider internet. Rather than leaving your campaign up to chance with a less experienced team, find out why we’re one of the go-to agencies for brands looking to level up their engagement and conversion rates. As we effectively convey what’s so special about your brand and its products to the perfect customer base, your business will quickly find itself on the path to success if you join our renowned team. Get in touch with our friendly staff to learn more about email marketing or any other services we offer.